外国侨民 : 您好,能打扰您一下吗?
Expat : Hello! Can I ask you a question?
居民 : 当然可以了,请问我能帮您什么呢?
Resident : Of course! How may I help you?
外国侨民 : 我觉得你们在广场上跳的舞蹈很有趣,您能为我介绍一下吗?
Expat : I’m interested in the dancing you do at the square. Can you tell me something about it?
居民 : 我们在跳的这种舞叫做广场舞,是一种集体休闲锻炼的方式,在中国的中老年人中很受欢迎。
Resident : We call it guangchangwu— Dancing in the square. It is a group relaxation activity. It’s very popular with seniors in China.
外国侨民 : 请问您能教我一下吗?
Expat : Can you teach me a bit?
居民 : 好的。我教你几个简单点的动作吧
Resident : OK, let me teach you a few basic moves.
外国侨民 : 太好了,谢谢!
Expat : Great, thanks!
居民 : 左手叉腰,抬高右臂,掌心向上,再迈出左脚。你试一下。
Resident : OK… put your left hand akimbo, raise your right arm, extend your palm up, and then put your left foot forwards.
外国侨民 : 是这样吗?
Expat : Like this?
居民 : 没错,你做得很棒。我再来教你下一个动作吧。
Resident : Yes, good try! You’re a fast learner! Let me teach you the next move.
外国侨民 : 好的,谢谢您!
Expat : Great, thanks!