11. 在便利店 At the Convenience Store

售货员 : 先生,请问您需要什么帮助?

Staff : How can I help you, Sir?

外国游客 : 我想买一盒创可贴、一瓶防蚊喷雾、一打酸奶和一些水果,但是我不认识中文,所以我需要您的帮助。

Visitor : I’d like a box of plasters, a bottle of mosquito repellant, and some yoghurt and fruit. But I don’t know any Chinese! Please help me.

售货员 : 请随我来,我帮您找您需要的商品。

Staff : Please follow me. Let me help you.

外国游客 : 非常感谢您!

Visitor : Thank you very much!

售货员 : 这有创可贴,请问您要哪一种?

Staff : Here are the plasters! Which one would you like?

外国游客 : 有防水的吗?

Visitor : Are there any waterproof ones?

售货员 : 是的,这种是防水的。

Staff : Yes, they’re waterproof.

外国游客 : 谢谢!我拿一盒。

Visitor : Great! I’ll take a box.

售货员 : 好的!下面这一排是防蚊喷雾。

Staff : OK. These here are mosquito repellant sprays.

外国游客 : 非常感谢!

Visitor : Thank you!

售货员 : 酸奶在这边的冷柜里。

Staff : The yoghurts are here in the fridge.

外国游客 : 太好了,谢谢您!请问这里有水果吗?

Visitor : Great, thanks! Do you have any fruit?

售货员 : 非常抱歉,我们店里没有水果,只有水果罐头。

Staff : I’m so sorry, we only have canned fruits.

外国游客 : 太遗憾了。您能告诉我哪里能买到吗?

Visitor : Ah, what a pity! Do you know where I can get some fresh fruits?

售货员 : 您从出口走出去,沿路向左一直走,大约五分钟后,您会在路对面看见一个购物商场,就在麦当劳的旁边,过天桥就到了。商场的底层有一家超市,里面卖水果。

Staff : When you leave our shop, turn left, then keep going straight ahead for 5 minutes. Then you’ll see a shopping centre across the road, next to a McDonald’s. Use a footbridge to get there. There’s a supermarket in the basement of the shopping centre. You can get fresh fruit there.

外国游客 : 非常感谢您的帮助!

Visitor : Thank you so much for your help!

售货员 : 不用客气,谢谢您的光顾。

Staff : My pleasure. Thank you for coming.

外国游客 : 再见!

Visitor : Goodbye!