9. 在药店 At the Chemist’s

: 您好,这里是药店吗?

Visitor : Excuse me, is this the chemist’s?

店员 : 您好,先生。请问有什么能够帮到您的吗?

Staff : Yes, Sir. May I help you?

外国游客 : 太好了,我的手不小心划破了,有止血和止痛的药吗?

Visitor : I cut my hand… Do you have plasters and painkillers?

店员 : 有的,先生。

Staff : Yes, Sir.

外国游客 : 您能拿给我看看吗?

Staff : Can I take a look at them?

店员 : 当然可以。这是创可贴,这是止痛药。

Visitor : Of course. These are the plasters, and this is the painkiller.

外国游客 : 好的,我买下了。对了,止痛药怎么用呢?

Staff : OK, let me buy that. By the way, how do I use the painkiller?

店员 : 6小时一次就可以了。请问您还需要其他帮助吗?

Visitor : Take it once every 6 hours. Is there anything else you need?

: 我想想。我有时牙疼,你们这里有治牙疼的药吗? 店员: 有的,先生。就是这个,您看一下。

Staff : Let me think… Yes, sometimes I have toothache. Are there any medicines for that?

: 好的,谢谢!给我拿一瓶吧。

Visitor : Yes, there are. Is this one here good?

店员 : 当然可以。

Staff : That’s good, thanks! I’ll take a bottle of it. Staff: Of course.

: 一共多少钱?

Visitor : How much will this be altogether?

店员 : 52元人民币。

Staff : 52 yuan.

: 好的,给您钱

Visitor : Here you go.

店员 : 谢谢,这是找给您的零钱,拿好您的药,祝您快点康复。

Staff : Thank you, here’s your change and medicines. I hope you get better soon!

: 谢谢!再见。

Visitor : Thank you! Goodbye.

店员 : 不客气。再见!

Staff : My pleasure. Goodbye!