12.8 去健身Fitness Centre

外国侨民 : 我刚才看到小区里好多人都像是游泳完回来,咱们这有游泳池?

Expat : I just saw lots of people in swim suit. So we have somewhere to swim?

居民 : 对呀,在1号楼和2号楼中间有一个小区会所,那里有一个健身房。

Resident : Oh yes, there’s a club between Buildings 1 and 2, and there’s also a fitness centre there.

外国侨民 : 太棒了,是免费的吗?

Expat : Great. Is it all free?

居民 : 不是的,需要办健身卡,但是小区居民有优惠的,所以不贵,大约2,000元一年吧。

Resident : No, you have to pay, but residents get a discount. It’s about 2,000 yuan for an annual membership.

外国侨民 : 哇,真太棒了。里面设施齐全吗?

Expat : Excellent! Is there a lot to do inside?

居民 : 挺不错的,有许多健身的器械,有游泳池,还有舞蹈房,偶尔还会有人在那里教瑜伽,你去试试吧?

Resident : Yes! It has fitness equipment, a pool, and an aerobics room, and sometimes there are yoga lessons as well. Want to have a try?

外国侨民 : 好的,我现在就去看看。谢谢。

Expat : Yes, I will. But I shall go there and have a look first. Thanks.

居民 : 回头见!

Resident : See you later!