外国友人 : 您好!我想买一些饮用水,请问该去哪里?
Visitor : Hello! I’d like to buy some bottled drinking water. Where do I get it?
居民 : 您好!我们小区有自己的便利店,您可以先去那里购买一些水票,然后需要的时候打电话给他们,他们就会把水给您送到家里了。
Resident : You can get it from our corner shop. You can buy water coupons there, then use them for orders via telephone. They’ll deliver it to your home.
外国友人 : 太好了,那您知道电话吗?
Visitor : Excellent. Do you have their number?
居民 : 知道,您方便记一下:88796545.
Resident : Yes, it’s 88796545.
外国友人 : 好的,我记下了。谢谢您!
Visitor : Got it. Thank you.
居民 : 不客气。
Resident : Happy to help!