12.1 新来住户 Newcomers

外国友人 : 您好!我是新搬来的住户,请问我应该去哪里缴水费,电费和燃气费?

Visito : Hello, I’m new here. Where do I go to pay for water, power and gas?

居民 : 您好,欢迎您!有两种方法可以缴纳这些费用:第一,您可以去物业办公室缴纳。第二,您也可以去小区门口的银行里用ATM机直接缴纳。

Resident : Welcome! You can pay for these either at the property management office, or at the ATM at the entrance of our compound.

外国友人 : 非常感谢!

Visito : Thank you!

居民 : 我个人建议去银行会比较便捷,您可以去那里试试。

Resident : I would suggest you pay at the bank. You might want to try that.

外国友人 : 好的,谢谢!

Visito : OK, thanks!

居民 : 不用谢,大家是邻居,应该互相帮助。

Resident : Happy to help! We’re all neighbours now.