5.2 客房服务Room Service

王先生?: 您好,是客房服务吗?

Mr. Wang:: Hello, is this Room Service?

前台?: 是的,先生。您需要什么帮助?

Reception?: Yes, Sir. How can I help you?

王先生?: 我想点餐。

Mr. Wang?: I’d like to order food.

前台?: 抱歉,先生。厨房从早上6点上班到晚上11点下班。现在厨房已经关门了,恐怕您现在无法点餐了。

Reception?: Sorry, Sir. The kitchen opens from 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., but it’s closed right now, so we can’t provide you with a regular meal.

王先生: 哦,糟糕,我也忘了时间了。那我就来点饼干和牛奶吧,还有我需要多一条浴巾,可以吗?

Mr. Wang?: Oh dear, I forgot about the time as well. Then do you have biscuits and milk? I also need one more bath towel.

前台?: 好的。您的房间号是1217对吗?

Reception?: Yes. Are you Room 1217?

王先生: 没错,1217!

Mr. Wang?: That’s right, 1217.

前台?: 好的。您的浴巾马上送来。

Reception: OK, I’ll have the bath towel brought up right away.

王先生?: 好的。还有两件事情需要解决,我的空调不好使了,还有浴缸(或马桶)好像堵住了。能派人来修一下吗?

Mr. Wang?: Thank you. I’ve two other problems. The air conditioner seems to have a problem, and the bathtub (or toilet) seems to be blocked. Can you get them fixed?

前台: : 当然,我这就给维修人员打电话,他们应该在5分钟内到您那里。

Reception?: Of course. Let me inform repair staff immediately. They should be with you within 5 minutes.

王先生: 好的,谢谢,请问您能不能帮我安排送洗服务?如果可以的话,请半小时后来我的房间取衣服。

Mr. Wang?: OK, thank you. Could you also provide laundry services? If so, could you come and pick up my clothes within half an hour?

前台: : 好的,先生,衣物上门取送需要加收30%的服务费。

Reception:: Yes, Sir. There is an extra 30% room delivery surcharge.

王先生?: 好的,没问题。我有一件衬衫、一套羊绒内衣需要干洗。

Mr. Wang?: OK, no problem. I have a shirt and some cashmere underwear that needs to be dry cleaned.

前台?: 好的,先生。客房人员会在30分钟内到您的房间。

Reception?: No problem, Sir. Room service staff will be with you in 30 minutes.

王先生?: 非常感谢!请问24小时内能送回吗?

Mr. Wang?: Thank you so much! Can I have it back within 24 hours?

前台: 可以的,先生。请问您还需要其他服务吗?

Reception?: Yes, Sir. Anything else?

王先生?: 是的。我不太习惯喝冰水,所以想自己煮热水喝。请问我能要一个开水器吗?

Mr. Wang??: Yes, I’m not used to drinking cold water. I’d like hot water if possible. Could I have a hot water machine?

前台?: 好的,先生。半小时后一起送到可以吗?

Reception??: Yes, Sir. Can we bring this along with the other things in half an hour?

王先生?: 当然可以,谢谢!您能为我提供明天早上7点的叫早服务吗?

Mr. Wang??: Of course, thank you! Can you also give me a wake-up call tomorrow at 7:00 A.M.?

前台??: 好的,先生。

Reception??: Yes, no problem, Sir.

王先生?: 谢谢,再见。

Mr. Wang: Thank you. Goodbye.

前台: 不用谢,再见。

Reception: My pleasure. Goodbye.