4.3 买地图及询问打车Getting a Map and Taxi

机场员工 : 我能帮您做些什么?

Airport Staff : How can I help you?

王先生 : 我想买张城市地图。

Mr. Wang : I’d like a city map, please.

机场员工 : 这里的是免费的,您要去什么地方?我可以帮助您。

Airport Staff : Here is your complimentary city map. Where would you like to go? I can help you.

王先生 : 太好了!我要去维斯汀酒店,我这里有地址。

Mr. Wang : Great, thanks! I’d like to go to the Westin Hotel. Here’s the address.

机场员工 : 我建议您叫个出租车去市中心,大概要80多美元,不包括小费。我觉得您坐地铁不太方便,因为您有很重的行李。

Airport Staff : OK… I recommend you get a taxi to the city centre. It will cost around $80 plus a tip. I don’t recommend the subway, you have a lot of baggage.

王先生 : 您想得真周到。请帮我叫个出租车吧,谢谢。

Mr. Wang : That’s so nice of you. Would you please help me get a taxi? Thank you!

机场员工 : 很高兴能帮到您。

Airport Staff : Happy to help, Sir!

王先生 : 谢谢您。

Mr. Wang : Thank you!