AM774 . Bruce in Beijing

Australia at Beijing Design Week 2015

2015-09-28 12:29:05


Australia@BJDW 2015

Beijing Design Week 2015

Design should be fun

Discussion forums are part of the BJDW

Hayley (centre)  and design team on Yangmeizhu at Dashilar

'Mad.Lab' at Dashilar

Beijing Design Week starts this Monday, 28 September and will continue until Sunday 4 October. It is one of the highlights of Beijing's increasingly creative and innovative scene. Since it started only a few years ago it has grown increasingly into a world event with significant international participation. Also with its popularity, some events are being held both before and after the main week.
This year Australia will be one of the countries actively involved in showing not only its latest ideas but also demonstrating the close and growing cooperation with China.
Australian designers and architects have been working with China for over 20 years collaborating on everything from landscape design and urban gardens to master planning entire cities. The 2008 Watercube, for example, was designed by an Australian architecture firm.
There will be events at several locations throughout Beijing including the 'Mad Lab' at Tiaozhou 22 Coutryard in Dashilar; workshops at Indigo Mall; a Designer and Speaker Conference at COPPER space on NafunHutong and much more which will make for an exciting week in Beijing.
In this feature Hayley May Ward Senior Cultural Relations Officer of the  Australian Embassy Beijing  talks  about what her country is showing at the Beijing Design Week 2015.
More information about events across Beijing can be found at