3.4 街上打车 Hailing Taxis in the Street

街上打车 Hailing Taxis in the Street

外国游客 : 请问在这里为什么叫不到出租车?

Visitor : Why can’t I find a taxi here?

行人 : 现在是下班高峰,很多人打车,所以打车很难。

Passer-by : t’s rush hour now. Taxis are in great demand. It’s not easy hiring one.

外国游客 : 天哪,我还要赶去开会呢!

Visitor : Wow, and I need to go to a meeting.

行人 : 您不妨用电话试一试。

Passer-by : You could book a taxi by phone.

外国游客 : 可以电话约出租车?

Visitor : Is that so? Really?

行人 : 是的,号码是96106。很好记的,您试试吧。电话叫车需要多付几元钱约车费。

Passer-by : Yes, try dialling 96106. There’s a small surcharge for booking a taxi by phone.

外国游客 : 没关系,总比没有车好。谢谢!

Visitor : No problem, as long as I’m moving. Thank you!

行人 : 祝您好运,再见。

Passer-by : Good luck! Bye.

外国游客 : 再见。

Visitor : Goodbye!