9.2 返程自助登机 Self-service Check-In

王先生 : 打搅一下,我要办理登记手续,但是队排的太长了,我的航班就要起飞了,能快速登机吗?

Mr. Wang : Excuse me, I need to check in, but the queue is too long. The plane is leaving soon. Is there a faster way?

机场员工 : 您可以选择自助登机,我需要您的护照或身份证。

Airport Staff : Yes, you can use the Self-Service Check-In. We need your passport or ID card.

王先生 : 谢谢,这是我的护照。

Mr. Wang : Here you are. My passport.

机场员工 : 这个是自助机。请输入您的全名或扫描您的护照,即可确定航班信息,然后选择座位,打印登机牌,这样就可以了。

Airport Staff : This is a self-service kiosk. Just type in your full name or scan your passport to confirm flight information. Choose your seat, print your boarding pass, and you’re done.

王先生 : 好的,那我的行李怎么办?

Mr. Wang : OK. How about my luggage?

机场员工 : 如果您想托运行李,在这里选择您将要携带的行李数量,国际航班最多两个行李。这里也可以打印行李单的。

Airport Staff : To do that, state how many bags you want to check in. For international flights, only two items of luggage are permitted per passenger. You can also print your packing list here.

王先生 : 好的。我托运一个吧。

Mr. Wang : OK. I have one checked-in bag.

机场员工 : 请保管好您的登机牌、行李单和护照,到那个排队人少的柜台去托运一下您的行李吧。请记住,托运行李的标签贴在登机牌的后面。您到目的地提取行李时会用到它。旅途愉快,祝您好运。

Airport Staff : OK, please keep your boarding card, and passport in a safe place, then go to the counter with fewer people to check in your luggage. Remember your baggage tags will be stuck on the back of your boarding card. You’ll need it at the destination. Have a nice trip!

王先生 : 我知道了!再见。

Mr. Wang : Got it! Goodbye.