3.1 寻找登机口Gate Information

王先生 : 您好,能请您帮个忙吗?我本该在3号登机口登机,但是我在3号登机口找不到任何人,我的航班是不是改时间了?

Mr. Wang : Excuse me. Can you please help me? I’m supposed to board at Gate 3, but I can’t find anyone there. Did my flight get rescheduled?

机场人员 : 好的,您应该去航班时刻表上查一下新的航班时间。

Airport Staff : Hmm… Have you checked details with the flight schedules?

王先生 : 没有。我应该怎么走?那个地方在哪里?

Mr. Wang : No, but how do I do that? Where are they?

机场人员 : 您往前直走100米,它在您的右手边。

Airport Staff : Go straight ahead for 100 metres. You’ll see them to your right.

王先生 : 非常感谢!

Mr. Wang : Thank you so much!

机场人员 : 不客气。

Airport Staff : No problem.