20.7.2【跟《老友记》学美语】77 摩擦音 + [j w l ] 买戒指演出一场好戏

time:2020-07-02 Source:


节目直播:1400-1500 当晚重播:2200-2300

今日嘉宾 :美籍华裔发音教练Henry带你纵观美国文化,攻克美语发音

今日主题:第三季【跟《老友记》学美语】第776季第23集【外教纠音】摩擦音 + [j w l ]【剧情精讲】买戒指演出一场好戏




1.有一次讲连读this shop, Henry老师说可以省去前面的s, 保留ʃ,但s和ʃ既不相同,也不成对,而且两个都是清辅音,怎么可略去s呢?算相似音吗? 除了s和ʃ,还有哪些两两相遇,可以略去前一个辅音的呢?

2.difficult, different的i的音标词典是ɪ,但好像人人都念音标i,为何?

3、didn't的音标是dɪdɪn't, 还是dɪdn't多?


2、【天平 】


两位老师好,我有一个语音语调的问题想请教。之前课程中,Chandler对Monica说过一句话:You shouldn’t be with him. You should be with me. (你不应该跟他在一起。你应该跟我在一起。)

前后两句话意在强调:不是“他”,而是“我”。 所以我觉得重音应该分别放在“他”和“我”两个字上才对(在中文口语里,重音也确实是放在这两个字上的)。但Chandler和Henry老师在读第一句话的时候,重音都放在了“be”上,而不是“him”。 请问这是为什么呢?


例1、你不应该跟“他“跳舞,你应该跟“我“跳舞: You shouldn’t dance with him. You should dance with me!

例2、你不应该告诉”他“,你应该告诉”我“。You shouldn’t tell him. You should tell me.

例3、你不应该向“他”汇报,你应该向“我”汇报。 You shouldn’t report to him. You should report to me.

例4、你不应该照顾“他”,你应该照顾“我”。 You shouldn’t take care of him. You should take care of me.







Chandler: Hi! Hi. Okay, there was a slightmix-up at the jewelry store. The ring you’re about to propose with was supposed to be held for me. So, I’m gonna need to have that back.

[sou wəm gə nə ni' tə hæv ðæ' riŋ bæ']

But, in exchange① I’m willing to trade you this beautiful, more expensive ring. Ew.

Phoebe:Wow! I would trade.1

Customer: It is beautiful, but I’m gonna use this one. Now, if you’ll excuse me②.

[ɪ fjʊl lɪks gjµz mi]

Chandler: No-no! This is my fiancée③ and her heart was set on that ring④. You don’t want to break her heart now do you?

[hər hɑər' wʌ se dɑn ðæ' riŋ.]

Phoebe:Yeah, do you want to break a dying woman’s heart?2

Customer: You’re dying?

Chandler:Yeah, she’s dying… Of a cough apparently.3

Phoebe: Yes, and it is my dying wish to have that ring. See, if I’m not buried with that ring then my spirit is going to wander the nether world for all eternity⑤…

Chandler:Okay, that’s enough honey!4

Customer: I don’t know. Let me see the ring.

Chandler: Great! Okay, here.

Customer: All right.

Chandler: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! And you are about to marry a wonderful man!

Homework: 本周学习连读掌握

1So, I’m gonna need to have that back.

 [sou wəm gə nə ni' tə hæv ðæ' riŋ bæ']

2if you’ll excuse me.

 [ɪ fjʊl lɪks gjµz mi]

3Her heart was set on that ring④.

[hər hɑər' wʌ se dɑn ðæ' riŋ.]

Homework: 课堂纠音上节连读

1、I can let it go at eight③.

 [ɑi kən le dɪ' gou wə dei']

2、Then the jerk didn’t even invite me to the game.

 [ðen ðə dʒər' dɪ də ni və nɪn vɑi' mi də ðə geim]

3、But I’m over it⑤.

 [bʌ də mou vər rɪ']