19.11.28 跟《老友记》学美语51 [sw]如何连读,菲比力劝瑞秋勿去伦敦表白罗斯

time:2019-11-28 Source:


节目直播:1400-1500 当晚重播:2200-2300

今日嘉宾 :美籍华裔发音教练Henry





1、【静思】Henry 老师好,我有两个问题想请教:第一个关于动名词ing 读法。为什么有的时候读n有的时候都后鼻音(应)比如

So, what have you guys been talking about?

你们都在聊什么呢? This is my boyfriend who I was telling you about.我跟你提过的男朋友。

[ðɪ sɪz mɑi bɔi fren’ hµ ʷɑi wəz tel liŋ ŋjµ ʷə bɑu’.] 实际发音[sou wʌ də vjµ gɑiz bɪn tɑ kɪ nə bɑu’?] 谢谢

2、【天平】有个发音问题想请教Henry老师。feel加上ing之后(feeling)应该怎么读?同类的情况还有很多,比如bill加上ing之后的读法,还是两种读法都可以? 还望Henry老师指教,谢谢。

3、【Sophia】我有一个”L”发音的问题,想请教Henry 老师。我在听到”L”发音的时候,有点困惑。单发”L”音的时候,Henry老师让读“啦”,并且是舌头顶住上额,持续一段时间,再发出“啦”的音。老师说发出“啦”音之前的音就是“L”的音。我就开始困惑了,因为我听到的音类似一个我们老家话“2”的音。但是我总感觉,舌头顶住上颚发出的音类似于“欧”的音才对。比如以下几个词的发音:tell, tall , help , scowl 等。我没说其他字母与“L”的融合音。


4、【愿】我有个疑问想问一下Henry老师,最近看风雨哈佛路,里面的女生说了一句:not people like me,我感觉people这个词里面两个p好难发,like和me应该怎么连起来呢?ke要省略吗?谢谢老师

片段二 4季第23-24





Phoebe: What? What do you mean you’re going to London?1

Rachel: Yeah, I have to tell Ross that I love him. Now honey, you take care, you don’t have those babies tilI get back.

[jµ doun' hæv ðouz bei biz tɪl lɑi ge' bæ']

Phoebe: I—Rachel, you can’t go! Ross loves Emily!

Rachel: Yeah, I know, I know, I know he does. But I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have② all the information and then he can make an informed decision.2

Phoebe: That’s not why you’re going! You’re going because you hope he’s gonna say, “Yeah, I love you too, Rach. Forget about that British chippy③.”3

Rachel: Oh—Do you think he will?!

Phoebe: No! Because he’s in love with the British chippy! Look, Rachel, if you go, you’re just gonna mess with his head and ruin⑤ his wedding!

[jər gə nə me swɪ θɪz hed]

Y’know, it’s too late! You missed your chance! I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard. It’s over.

[jµ mɪs dʒər tʃænts]

Rachel: Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says, “I do.”

Phoebe: I do! I do! I do! I do!4 Ugh, like I can really chase you. I’m carrying a litter⑥.

Homework: 本周学习连读掌握

1you don’t have those babies til① I get back.

 [jµ doun' hæv ðouz bei biz tɪl lɑi ge' bæ']

2you’re just gonna mess with④ his head

 [jər gə nə me swɪ θɪz hed]

3You missed your chance!

 [jµ mɪs dʒər tʃænts]

Homework: 课堂纠音上节连读

1Doesn’t that sound delicious at the last minute⑤?

[dʌ zən' ðæ' tsɑun' də lɪ ʃɪ sə' ðə læs' mɪ nɪ'?]

2So, I can’t wait to see this place you’re getting married!

 [sou ɑi kæn' wei' tə si ðɪs pleis]

3Emily’s parents got married here.3

 [e mɪ liz pæər rənts gɑ' mæər ri' hiər.]