
Malan children’s band members-Chenxin and Sun Zhixue

08-02-2013 12:31

In this remote mountain village Malan, every one’s life is quite simple. Chen Xin, who is the violinist of Malan children’s band, is from a poor family. But it seems that she finds her happiness from music. Our reporter Summar has more.

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The violinist Chen Xin lives with her grandmother, since both of her parents work away from home.

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His father works very hard to earn money for the family. He works every day, even no rest on days with awful weather. Even working so hard he can earn just a thousand yuan each year.

As growing up in such difficult family environment, Chen Xin has always been a sensible girl. Her grandma is heart breaking while talking about her.

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She always refused uncompromisingly when I want to buy her a new outfit or some new stationery; so most of her clothes are given by our relatives and friends.

Although Chen Xin and her family are not rich in terms of material life, she and her grandma have abundant spiritual life.

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Sun Zhixue is a friend of Chen Xin, and she is a new member of the children’s band. She learnt flute with Deng Xiaolan. Her mother says she never missed any of the music class.

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No matter how bad the weather or how tiredness she is, as long as Deng Xiaolan came to give the music lesson xue would attend. Sometimes she falls sleep during practice late at night and just holds the flute all night.

Xue’s grandma is also living with them. She loves to listen to her granddaughter playing flute for her and more importantly she would love to see the joy that music brings to her granddaughter.

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Every night, I ask xue to play a piece of music with the flute before I go to bed. I like to listen to the music and I like to see her smile more.

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