
The guitarist Baiwei

08-02-2013 12:31

At the end of the programme we will continue the story of members from Malan children’s band. Today, we are getting to know another guitarist, whose name is Baiwei. Our reporter Summar tells more.

It seems that such story always happens; a bad behaved child finally turns to a good one under the influences of someone he/she respect or some hobby that he/she is really fond of. Baiwei, another guitarist of Malan village children’s band is an example of this kind of change; luckily, he got the influence of both the right person and a hobby.

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Deng Xiaolan looks excited when recalling the moment she met Baiwei for the first time. She was looking for some students who is interested in learning music with her, Baiwei was the most active and positive one among the group.

Deng Xiaolan intends to pick him up, while the other students totally object to.

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They told me that Baiwei is naughty and his study is not good. They tried to stop me to select him
. But Baiwei said that teachers always like naughty kids, because they are active and smart.

Deng eventually takes Baiwei as her student; but her decision seemed have surprised the band members.

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The girls in the band were so surprised when they heard Baiwei will become one of the members. They are afraid that Baiwei might play some tricks on them. So I promised to teach Baiwei and turn him into a good boy.

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This is a poem that is written by Baiwei, portraying the beautiful scenery of Malan village.

Thanks to Deng Xiaolan, now Baiwei is not only a good student, but also an excellent guitarist.
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Next week we will continue to tell you stories of other members.

For City Rhythm, I’m Summar

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