
The singer of Malan children's band - Ma Hongye

08-02-2013 12:31


Yesterday we heard the story of the guitarist of Malan children’s band. And today, we are going to know a shy girl, Ma Hongye, who is a singer of the band. Our reporter Summar has more.

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Ma Hongye is the lead singer of “the song of Malan”. Her pure and melodious voice was discovered by Deng Xiaolan. But at the beginning she did not accept the invitation to join the band although Deng Xiaolan visited her family for many times.

Her mother says that is because Hongye is always a quiet and responsible girl.

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Hongye is a very sensible child; she often helps me to take care of her little sister and do some housework. When Deng Xiaolan came to ask her to join the band at the first time she refused, as she thought that she would have less time to help me.

Later, under the family's support and Deng Xiaolan’s tireless encouragement, Ma Hongye finally determined to learn singing with Deng.

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She finally came to me and asked me to teach her play musical instrument. I know that this time she really made up her mind.

Deng xiaolan keeps finding and encouraging more and more children to learn singing and musical instruments. And the children can feel the joy of singing as soon as they begin to learn with Deng.

Ma Hongye’s mother says, she likes singing so much that she could hardly find time to eat and sleep.

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She wants to spend all her spare time to practice singing. Sometimes, she even sings songs when having a meal, I have to stop her and let her eat first.

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