
Longlong's Song

08-02-2013 12:31




Yesterday, we heard the story of Dengxiaolan and Malan village. The students’ band from Malan village will be invited to perform at Radio Beijing singing contest. News radio reporter Shiyu visited some of the band members, and our reporter Summar has more to tell.

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The number of the band member is not fixed, sometimes there are six or seven persons, and sometimes there are over 30 children. The types of the instruments are also various from western instrument of violin to traditional Chinese instrument Hulusi.

The band's lead guitarist is 12 years old Sun Peidong, whose nickname is Longlong. He has a song of his own names "Song of Longlong".

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This song is created specifically for longlong by Deng Xiaolan and musician Ali. Longlong's mother recalled the first time that Deng Xiaolan s home visit two years ago.

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One day in the twelfth lunar month the year before, there was heavy snow. Our home is up on the mountain, it was not easy to walk to our home after snow, Mrs Deng still came to visit us. I was so touched by what she did for the children, especially at her age.

Deng Xiaolan travel several times a year between Beijing and Malan village, which has 400 km distance and spend nearly eight hours on car, nearly 70 years old Deng just want to teach the children to sing and to enjoy singing.

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When I first started to get along with them, I found that they almost know nothing about singing. Since I love the village and the kids here, I want them to share the happiness of singing with me. They can’t sing any songs but I can, so I started to teach them myself. When they learnt to sing a couple of songs, I began to teach them play musical instrument.

Deng Xiaolan personally selected every member of the children’s band, she also teach them to sing and to play musical instrument by herself. In fact, Mrs Deng witnesses the growth of each of the children.

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Children living in mountains can learn to play violin, I feel so surprised. Now more and more kids want to join in the band, I am happy see that and also happy to teach them.

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Tomorrow we will continue to tell you story of other members.

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