AM774 . Bruce in Beijing

From wild camping to exploring Beijing's historic sites.

2015-08-05 15:03:42


Barbecue under moonlight (Michelle Tang)

Camping near the Wild Great Wall (Michelle Tang)

Exciting section of Via Ferrata (Michelle Tang)

Great Wall, lake and forest (Michelle Tang)

Scenic spot where Great Wall and lake meet (Michelle Tang)

Via Feratta above a river (Michelle Tang)


Jeremiah Jenne is Manager at The Hutong Cultural Exchange Centre near Beixinqiao. Today he talks of some of the activities The Hutong organises including experiencing the great outdoors around Beijing.
He and Bruce today start by sharing camping stories - Jeremiah was recently with his colleagues camping beside a lake below the Great Wall. Waking up outdoors in summer can be a really beautiful moment and there is then the fun of cooking and sharing breakfast.
Jeremiah regularly takes groups around parts of Beijing. He explains that familiar places such as the Forbidden City can be very interesting when visitors are taken away from the main areas visited by tour groups. Bruce mentions how he loves to go next door to Tai Miao where the architecture is very similar to its busy neighbour without the crowds. While taking people around the sites, Jeremiah will share stories and legends from their lengthy histories.
all photos taken by Michelle Tang of The Hutong.

