AM774 . Bruce in Beijing

Working to strengthen academic relationships with China

2015-06-19 09:51:41

Graduation Day at The University

Happy moments after years of study

Principal Muscatelli at a Graduation Ceremony

Students socialising on Ashton Lane near The University

Using GES scanners on the historic campus


Professor Jane Duckett is International Dean for East Asia at the University of Glasgow. In today's concluding feature Professor Duckett talks of the importance of understanding language when doing business or developing relationships with China. Language problems can create barriers but understanding language often shows that cultural differences, for example, are often not so great.
Professor Duckett believes in encouraging people to go to China as a way of helping understanding. Too often people have limited ideas of what is happening in many Asian countries and travel can be a positive 'eye opener'.
Professor Duckett has seen her workload with China increase as she not only teaches and leads research but is on editorial boards, presents conference papers and is on various committees. She is also dedicated to developing and strengthening the university's links with China. She feels lucky to have been able to witness the amazing changes affecting China over the past
In recognition of her work she received the 'Lord Provost of Glasgow Education Award.

