英语早餐 English Breakfast_20170216

Tour guide: Good morning, everybody! Welcome to the Metropolitan
Museum of Art. Today I’ll be your tour guide, and I hope you
enjoy your day.
Stacy: Good morning. Can you tell us which one is the museum’s most
famous painting?
Tour guide: Most paintings here are world-famous. But my personal favorite
is Self-Portrait with Straw Hat, an 1887 masterpiece by Vincent
van Gogh. It hangs in Gallery 826.
Stacy: I can’t wait to see it. This place is so breathtaking that I want to
take photos of everything.
Tour guide: Sorry, madam, taking photos is prohibited.
Stacy: That’s alright. I’m starving, and I just want to finish my breakfast.
Tour guide: Eating is not allowed, either. Sorry! If you want to grab a bite to
eat, you can go to the cafeteria on the second floor.
Stacy: Fine. I will go to the cafeteria to finish my breakfast first, then I
will catch up with you guys later.
Tour guide: Just go straight to the end of the hall, turn left, and then you’ll
see the cafeteria.
导游: 早上好,各位!欢迎来到大都会艺术博物馆,我是你们今天的导游。
导游: 这里的大多数画作都是举世闻名的。但我个人的最爱是文森
特·凡·高在1887 年时画的那一幅名作《戴草帽的自画像》。这
幅作品挂在826 号画廊。
史黛西: 我等不及要去看看了。这里真的美得太令人震惊了,让我想把一
史黛西: 没事,但我饿坏了,只想先把早餐吃完。
导游: 这里也不允许吃东西。真不好意思!如果您想要吃点东西,可以