
time:2016-06-28 Source: FM92.3

  北京外语广播(Radio Beijing International),2004年开播,它是中国第一家也是唯一一家特色鲜明的都市外语电台。北京外语广播全天播音18小时,立足于服务都市具有中英双语能力的白领人群和外籍人士,兼顾普及市民外语,被称为“感受北京的窗口,语言提高的助手”。

  全球视野、北京特色是北京外语广播最显著的特点。它着力打造的《Touch Beijing》(感受北京)、《FM Lifestyle》(悦生活),这些各具特色的节目为生活在北京的国际友人、赴京访问的外国旅游者以及所有关心北京、喜爱中国文化的听友提供及时全面的资讯服务,成为他们日常生活中时时相伴的好朋友。时常到访的重量级人物在直播间和听友深入讨论有趣话题,带领大家探索新鲜有趣生活方式。







频  率:调频92.3 兆赫、中波774千赫。

网  址:www.am774.com。

地  址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街14号 北京广播电视台 外语广播

电  话:010-6515-7598

传  真:010-6521-1340

微  博:http://weibo.com/radio774

微  信:radio774


Radio Beijing International, launched in 2004, is China’s first and only city-level multilingual radio station with distinct local features. It has opened a window on Beijing to the world, providing diversified, insightful and up-to-date news coverage and programming to Beijing’s foreign community, Chinese professionals with multicultural backgrounds, Beijing residents who want to hone their foreign language skills and overseas Chinese who want to know about China’s latest development.

We have also established collaborations with more than 16 overseas radio stations, bringing the voice of Beijing to the world. Among our collaborators, we have mainstream radio stations such as: UN Radio, Canada Radio International, RNW Media, Radio Australia, New Media Radio Singapore as well as influential local Chinese radio stations overseas including European Chinese Radio Station, NY China Broadcasting Network, KAZN AM 1300, Chinese Radio Canada, Star AM1323 of Australia, Chinese Voice Radio of New Zealand, Rossiya Segodnya.

We at Radio Beijing International also established RBC(Radio Beijing Corporation) Youth English Club which holds regular social events such as the annual competition called “My Winter Olympic Dream” to select young bilingual journalists who can best tell China’s story through youngsters’ eyes on the global stage using a global language.

Radio Beijing International never stops expanding its reach. We are the first channel to offer an integrated platform of traditional and new media by launching an online radio station in 2008 which has enabled us to cover the same programming with multimedia tools and on multiple platforms. In the last ten years or so, we have been expanding our new media services on all the newly emerged social media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat and mobile phone apps. 

Radio Beijing International broadcasts daily for 18 hours on 92.3 FM&774 AM .Radio Beijing International’s online services, www.am774.com.